Thursday, September 10, 2009

Remembering Jani

35 years ago today my little sister died

About Grief

What does God think
when a seven year old sister
steps off unfamiliar sidewalks
and steps into Heaven?
Are there tears in Heaven?
No. not crying, not death
when you're seven in Heaven.

What does God think when
an eleven year old sister
forgets to hold her hand to walk
and she crosses into Heaven?
Is there pain in Heaven?
No, not mourning, not there,
But I'm here, not in Heaven.

What does God think when
the older, crying sister
goes home to a bedroom alone,
but she's home in Heaven?
Are there lights in Heaven?
No, not a moon, not sun
But God and the Lamb are in Heaven.

What Does God say to these little sisters
who went their seperate ways,
to meet again in Heaven?
The gate never shuts in Heaven
There's not a church, no night,
just glory and jewels and us
together in Heaven!

written with love by her sister Karen , who can't wait to meet her at the Gate someday!
June 2008


  1. oh karen! crying as i read this! i can only imagine how you must have felt & even now just remembering all those awesome to think that someday you will get to hold her hand again!! xoxo. God Bless You!!

  2. This is beautiful Karen, I can't wait to meet her along with my boys at the gates to the city either.


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