Sunday, September 12, 2010

Albany Antiques in the Streets #1

I spent Saturday down at an event
in Albany, Oregon, the historic town south of Salem.
It is called Antiques in the Streets
and involves vendors setting up their wares down one
of the most historic streets.
They also had an old car rally.
I had such a fun day that I will do several posts on
different aspects:) Not only are there wonderful old buildings and museums, there is also one of the largest
and well displayed antique malls I've been to. There was a whole room of vintage clothing, purses
and shoes. I tried on a dress from the 1940's
that fit me like it was made for me,
but alas it had a large faded spot on the skirt.

The people were so friendly and it has that
nice, small town feel.
Definitely worth a drive down anytime,
if you like history and antiques.

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