Monday, January 4, 2010

Out with the Old, In with the New

When I opened this Christmas Gift from my kids I was very pleased! Folded up inside was a gift certificate to a sewing machine store! So today I made the BIG purchase......
Out with Myrtle....

and in with Magnolia!

It sews like a dream and I can finally do buttonholes again, overcast, ruffle etc. but in a whole new way!! Yippeeee!
But thank you Myrtle for all the years of hard work you managed to give me and for never giving out! Welcome Magnolia, may your years be long and productive!
And thank you kids for finally getting me to try something new!!!


  1. oh cool! magnolia looks all nice a sparkly white... i bet she is going to help you make some beautiful creations! i want to get into sewing but not sure what to get...heard that the basic ones r good for starting out...any suggestions?

  2. OH KAREN!! that is about a great gift! you will spend many happy hours with your new bestie magnolia;) how fun!!

  3. oh thats so sweet! hope you enjoy it! i have some sewing you can do for me! lol


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