Sunday, January 11, 2015


I really need to do this...
but I don't like to give up on things.

 Sometimes you just have to let go
of the things that you promised 
you would never let go of.
This blog is one.
I thought before that I would write on here 
and take photos and love to share
but now it has become a part of my life 
that I can no longer keep up with-
I have a store
I have a job
I have too much to do
So I have to let this go...

The other part of my life that has just ended 
is too painful to write about here...
It was a promise I made until death
but I had to let go...

doors close
doors open
The One who said
"I am the door" is the only One
who remains ever true and faithful
and who never breaks His promises.

That is how I want to end my blogging
years, with my hand on the Door.

thank you to all of you have followed 
along on this journey
Be blessed in Christ alone.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


"December is Christmas...
With each setting of the sun,
 and the rising and setting of the moon 
and stars in the dark sky, the wonder grows.
 It is not so much in color as in absence of color, 
less in sound than in absence of sound, 
not at all in fragrance but in absence of fragrance;
 that is of the earthly color, sound and fragrance. 
Each day there seems less of all that has been familiar
 in the earlier months of the year, 
and more that is new though not strange.
 Gradually the world becomes another place, 
suffused by gentle radiance, 
cupped in innocence and infinite wisdom, 
carried aloft by unseen winds which bear it
 closer and closer to the Source of all wonder."

Gladys Hasty Carroll

Thursday, November 27, 2014


"November is a russet apple with a glint of gold in
it's rough brown skin,
 one dry leaf clinging to its blackened stem, 
 a brisk spicy flavor at its core. 
It is cider working in dark barrels,
 reddish brown sawdust blanketing the sills,
 amber-eyed cows chewing all day in the stanchions.
 It is stately fowl on yard parade in brown and gray feathers 
and red combs, and many brown eggs in the barn cellar nests at night. 
It is grey crocks filled with barberry sauce
 and great cubes of translucent pumpkin, 
scarlet cranberries drying in the open chamber
. A lamp or lantern held high in the dark dairy
 reveals a mosaic of jellies, preserves, shrubs, 
wines, bottled herbs and yellow cream rising in shallow pans."

Gladys Hasty Carroll

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


October is age regal and triumphant, 
the impartial judge on the bench,
 the dowager duchess, wise, strong, 
and in excellent health, 
bearing easily the weight of velvet robes 
which change with shifting light from deep blue
 to plum color and crimson,
 of heavy chains, heavy pins, 
heavy rings all of gold, 
all of the great keys which this month
 is the keeper of the coin of the realm
 secreted in the robe's capacious pockets."
Gladys Hasty Carroll

Monday, September 29, 2014


"September is a banner of soft purple 
and metallic gold proudly 
suspended across the sky...
The sand y roads are bordered deep 
in goldenrod and wild asters.
Sweet apples and Porters are yellow
 in the orchards and blue
pearmains are ripening.
 Maple trees are touched with yellow
 from the first frost.
Pumpkins are drawn by the cartload 
from the fields and stacked beside the barn."
Gladys Hasty Carroll

Sunday, September 14, 2014

3rd Birthday

It was a monster truck bash,
and it had to be green!
That's what my 3 year old
grandson wanted!

He drove the truck up and down the frosting hill
and that made him very happy:) 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

August (A Little Late)

"August is hot. Opulent, tired, thirsty, hot...
She asks no questions about the purpose of life,
is heavy with answers as a cow with milk
 coming up the pasture lane at days end.
 A child is to play and get into mischief
 and do his chores and eat and sleep and grow...
August is the meeting place of the currents of the year.
She feels the meeting within her,
the waters from many directions 
surging into a mighty eddy;
but she is not shaken by it, 
encompasses it calmly
 as she carried her children to full term 
despite their struggles to find a way out
 of the pocket in which she held them
 until it was time for them to go.
She is even faintly amused by the surging
 and eddying as she was by the struggles of her unborn."

Gladys Hasty Carroll